Monday, August 23, 2010

And down the stretch they come...

Here is my finally plea to my fellow townspeople to vote for Mac D'Alessandro over anti-health care Democratic incumbent Stephen Lynch (MA-09). The primary is Tuesday, September 14th.

To the Editor:

This September 14th, Democrats and Independents in Walpole will cast an important vote for either incumbent Stephen Lynch or challenger Mac D’Alessandro to represent us in the U.S. House of Representatives. We can stick with the same politicians who avoid debates, utter untruths when asked to explain controversial votes, and rely on their million dollar war chests funded by Wall Street bankers, or we can give a fresh new voice the chance to represent us in Washington. The last two editions of the Walpole Times have captured the choice perfectly.

Two weeks ago, two different articles concerning Mac D’Alessandro and Stephen Lynch unintentionally illustrated all you need to know about the two candidates vying to be Walpole’s Democratic nominee for Congress. Mac D’Alessandro is meeting with real voters in Walpole: senior citizens, local small business owners and residents shopping at the farmer’s market. Stephen Lynch is pictured with a big name national Democrat, Bill Clinton, focusing on cashing in on his Hilary Clinton endorsement and padding his existing $1.5 million dollar campaign war chest.

In last week’s Walpole Times, Stephen Lynch defended himself against charges that he is out of touch with communities in his district, arguing “he attends many Town Meetings.” Coming to Town Meeting is hardly staying in touch with the district. The Congressman gets the privilege to come and speak at the beginning of the meeting, spins his justification for his votes and actions, takes no questions, and then leaves. This is hardly staying in touch with the citizens of Walpole.

Lynch’s campaign theme is that he is not afraid to take a stand. This is surprising because Lynch has waited over two weeks to respond to Mac D’Alessandro’s invitation to debate “anywhere, anytime.” Lynch has yet to respond. This is a time-honored tradition of arrogant incumbents who can’t be bothered to defend their positions for fear that their challenger will receive positive attention. No doubt Congressman Lynch will finally get around to agreeing to a debate at the very last moment, when as few people as possible will have a chance to see, hear or read about it; taking a stand indeed.

When the Congressman had the opportunity to stand with people with pre-existing conditions or people kicked off their insurance because their treatment became too expensive, Congressman Lynch stood instead with the insurance companies. When challenged to defend his vote, Congressman Lynch said he opposed health insurance reform because it did not contain a public option. This argument is laughable. Of all the members of the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation, Congressman Lynch was the least supportive of the public option throughout the entire health care debate. That is why he was booed off the stage at the Labor breakfast for the Democratic nominees vying to replace Ted Kennedy.

Lynch says he stands for us, but he gladly lines his campaign fund with contributions from the CEO’s of the big banks who drove our economy into a ditch. Mac D’Alessandro refuses to take their money and will be accountable to us, not big Wall Street bankers.

If you want Washington to continue functioning the way it has, Stephen Lynch is your man. He has the money, the big name endorsements, and the power of incumbency. But if you are fed up with the current government and yearn for a fresh voice in Washington who will speak up for working families in Walpole, please support Mac D’Alessandro. Mac D’Alessandro is the underdog in this race. But if we want things to change in Washington D.C., we need to vote for underdogs and send a message that business as usual is no longer accepted.

I humbly ask for your support of Mac D’Alessandro over Stephen Lynch on September 14th.


Sean O’Reilly

Hemlock Street