Monday, February 13, 2012

In a political debate, far, far away...

In preparation for taking my son to see the release of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace in 3D I was perusing the original reviews at Rotten Tomatoes to verify if my horrible reaction to that movie was shared by the critics at the time. Unfortunately it was as bad as I remembered, seeing as it garnered a 38% rating from top critics.

As I scanned the views I was particularly intrigued by critics who liked the film. Lo and behold one of the movies defenders was none other than neoconservative extraordinaire John Podhoretz of the vile "Weekly Standard."

Is it any surprise that anyone who can say this:

ENOUGH with the whiny movie critics complaining about the new 'Star Wars'' movie. Like them, I was fully prepared to hate the thing when I arrived at the screening, but that prejudice was overcome by the movie's wondrous look and by its fascinating, multilayered plot. 'The Phantom Menace'' takes twists and turns you don't expect.

Can also say this:

Nothing would both surprise me, please me, and make me revisit a great deal of my thinking over the last couple of years, than if Barack Obama chooses to strike the Iranian nuclear program. I would revisit most of what I think about his foreign policy and his approach to the world. But that the United States would take military action against Iran – that seems almost science fictional to me at this point.

All that being said I'm still taking Sammy to see the rerelease of The Phantom Menace in the theater. Count on me to resist war with Iran but please don't ask me not to take my son to see a rerelease of a Star Wars film, a man can fight only so many battles.

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